विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयाद्याति पात्रताम् ।
पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं ततः सुखम् ॥ - ऋग्वेद
“With Great Knowledge comes Total Surrender
With Total Surrender, you become Worthy.
When you are Worthy, you are given the Greatest Wealth
That Wealth is Bliss.”
As the above quoted shaloka elaborates beautifully and so precisely the aim, path and meaning of true knowledge, we, here at SGJ DAV SEN SEC PUBLIC SCHOOL, HARIPURA, are committed and dedicated to impart the true education that leads to such knowledge and ultimately the bliss.
In the mad race of materialism and commercialism when the environs of education too are getting blurred and compromising at times, we, under the Flag of DAV CMC NEW DELHI, take pride in providing the knowledge and environs which are piously pristine, value oriented and at the same time career focused. The qualities of both “Head and Heart” are nourished in such a way that DAVIETS stand personally confident and distinct; socially grounded and ethical; professionally competent and successful and above all universally humane.
As our great master Swami Dayananda Saraswati opined “The greatest musical instrument given to a human being is the VOICE.” it will be our utmost priority to enable the learners to strengthen their speaking and listening skills in English as strong and good as they do in Hindi and Punjabi. English is the need of the hour and we will ensure that they never lag behind on this front.
Being on the chair of principal of SGJ DAV SEN SEC PUBLIC SCHOOL, HARIPURA is a great honor for me as well as a great responsibility which motivates me every minute to be on my toes and put my heart and soul to accomplish the fulfillment of the dreams of my dear students, desires of their great parents who have shown tremendous faith in the DAV, expectations of my devoted and dedicated staff members who always work round the clock and to come up to the wishes of my management.
I have taken up this noble cause with a missionary zeal and ‘Never Say Die Spirit’ is in my blood and bones so my concluding statement to all the parents and community around:
Rest assured! Be Supportive to us! Be Associated with us! We won’t ever disappoint you!
Sukhdev Singh